
This blog was created out of inspiration and wanting to share that inspiration with others.

A wonderfully brave and inspiring young lady has been very much in my thoughts over the past month. I am sure you will have heard about her. Shahida Choudhry from Birmingham has created a petition to give Malala the Nobel Peace Prize on

Shahida describes the global movement to urge the Nobel Foundation to give Malala the Nobel Peace Prize

“On October 9, 2012, 15-year old Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman in response to her campaign against the destruction of girls schools in Pakistan. In the face of terror, Malala risked her life to speak out for the rights of girls everywhere. Malala’s bravery has sparked a global movement and we believe the Nobel Foundation should give her the Nobel Peace Prize. “

Picture from the petition by Shahida Choudhary
Picture from the petition by Shahida Choudhary

Two days ago the petition was also reported on BBC news. “Gordon Brown, the UN special envoy for education, has said Malala would be a worthy recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize “

Malala’s father, Ziauddin – who is visiting his daughter in the UK – said she wanted to convey how grateful and amazed she was that people around the world were interested in her well-being.

“Malala is recovering well, and she wants me to tell you she has been inspired, and humbled by the thousands of messages, cards and gifts. They have helped her survive and stay strong,” he said.

He has also said that she was a worthy candidate for the peace award.

“Malala stands for the human dignity, tolerance and pluralism. She has drawn with her sacred blood a clear line between barbarity and human civilisation. Her voice is the voice of the people of Pakistan and all downtrodden and deprived children of the world.”

In the UK, campaigner Shahida Choudhary said she set up the petition “because a Nobel Peace Prize for Malala will send a clear message that the world is watching”.

We are inspired by you Malala. In my mind you are clearly a worthy recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and I am sure many more people will be signing this petition.

As Shahida has said, the world is watching.

Published by Maggie


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